Major in 临床和转化科学

转化科学包括从健康和疾病的生物学基础到改善个人和人群健康的临床和公共卫生干预的每一个网赌论坛有哪些阶段. 发展, 批准和实施改善人类健康的临床干预措施面临若干挑战, 并且需要转化网赌论坛有哪些,以加速基础科学发现的进程,从而发展有影响的干预措施. 为了促进这个过程, 临床和转化科学工作人员需要熟悉与以患者为导向的转化网赌论坛有哪些相关的具体方法, as well as training in biomedical research ethics and regulations.

临床和转化科学(CTS)专业为学生提供深入的基本技能指导, 方法, and principles of clinical and translational research. 它旨在使学生具备制定有意义的假设的能力, design and conduct interpretable experiments, 批判性地分析结果, understand and communicate the broad significance of research findings, and uphold the highest ethical standards in research.

Students will attain these skills through in-depth instruction, 正式的实验室经验, 以及对转化科学过程和该领域新兴发展的具体持续指导.

The program will expose students to the concept of multidisciplinary research, preparing them to see team science as the expectation, 而不是例外——利用整个大学的资源和专业知识,培养学生成为临床和转化网赌论坛有哪些团队的领导者和成员. 学生将获得一系列科学学科的知识,使他们能够在多学科团队中有效地沟通和合作.

After completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • Understand the philosophy and approach of translational science
  • 了解临床和转化网赌论坛有哪些的公共卫生背景及其社会影响
  • 理解和应用临床网赌论坛有哪些方法的基本原则,涉及临床和转化网赌论坛有哪些
  • 理解和应用构成临床和转化科学基础的生物学和生理学原理
  • 描述团队科学的原则及其对临床和转化网赌论坛有哪些的意义
  • 比较基础科学和临床科学在临床网赌论坛有哪些和人口健康中的作用


本专业有8门全学分的必修课(CTSC 299网赌论坛有哪些研讨会课程跨越两个学期,相当于两门课程), 一个1学分的实验室, 还有四门选修课. Students who complete this major will receive a 理学学士 满足下列条件的程度 自然科学 网赌论坛有哪些课程的要求.

Students must have completed at least three of the following courses: PHLT 103, 统计212, 化学203, BIOL 198(或BIOL 190), BIOL 204 to be eligible to declare the CTSC major.  Students must also have a average major GPA of at least a 2.能够申报CTSC专业.



  • 生物学110:生物学原理1 or BIOL 112: Perspectives in Biology I (Prerequisite: CHEM 131)
  • BIOL 111:生物学原理2 or BIOL 113: Perspectives in Biology II (Prerequisite: BIOL 110 or BIOL 112)
  • CHEM 131: Chemical Concepts, Systems, and Practices I
  • CHEM 132: Chemical Concepts, Systems, and Practices II (Prerequisite: CHEM 131)



  • PHLT 103:流行病学概念
  • 统计212:应用统计I (有效期至2024年春季) or STAT 180: Introduction to Applied Statistical Methodology (2024年秋季开始生效)
  • PHIL 225:医学伦理 or PHIL 228: Public Health Ethics (instructor permission required)
  • 化学203:有机化学1 or CHEM 171: First-Year Organic Chemistry I*
  • CHEM 207: Organic Chemistry I: Lab (1 credit) or First-Year Organic Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)*
  • 生物学版198:遗传学原理 or 生物190:遗传学和人类基因组*
  • BIOL 204: Principles of Human Physiology*
  • CTSC 299W:转化科学网赌论坛有哪些研讨会(仅限CTS大三或大四学生)*
  • ctsc299:转化科学网赌论坛有哪些研讨会(仅限CTS大三或大四学生)*



Students must take four of the following, 其中三门必须来自生物医学科学和临床网赌论坛有哪些方法(至少有一门课程要求来自临床网赌论坛有哪些方法),一门必须来自人口科学.

Biomedical 科学 and Clinical Research Methods (Three Courses)

Clinical research methods (at least one from this group):

  • STAT 276: R中的统计计算 or BIOL 208: Intro to Programming for BIO (Prerequisite: STAT 211, 212, 213 or equivalent; or biol190或biol198 conc.)
  • DSCC 201:数据科学工具 or BIOL 253: Computational Biology (H) (Prerequisite: CSC 161 or CSC 171 or BIOL 208)
  • DSCC 210: Digital Imaging: Transforming Real into Virtual
  • PM 415U: Principles of 流行病学 (Prerequisite: PHLT 103)
  • PM 488 (H): Experimental Therapeutics (CTS juniors or seniors only)
  • BST 465: Design of Clinical Trials (Prerequisite: BST 463 or equivalent)


  • 化学204:有机化学2 or CHEM 172: First-Year Organic Chemistry II (Prerequisites: 化学203, 207)*
  • BIOL 202: Molecular Biology (Prerequisites: BIOL 198 or BIOL 190 and BIOL 250)
  • BIOL 210: Cell Biology (Prerequisites: BIOL 110 or BIOL 111, BIOL 112 or BIOL 113)
  • BIOL 222: Biology of Aging (Prerequisite: BIOL 198)
  • BIOL 226: Developmental Biology (Prerequisite: BIOL 198)
  • BIOL 250 (H): Introduction to Biochemistry (Prerequisites: BIOL 110 or BIOL 112, biol190或biol198, 化学203, CHEM 204 conc.)
  • MBI 220:微生物学导论(先决条件:BIOL 110, BIOL 111, BIOL 198, 化学203)
  • MBI 221W: Microbiology Lab (Prerequisites: BIOL 110, BIOL 111, BIOL 198, 化学203)

*Pre-health students should take this course as their biomedical sciences elective.


  • PHLT 116: U简介.S. 卫生系统
  • PHLT 236:保健和法律
  • PHLT 216: Peer Health Advocacy (valid until spring 2022)
  • 383W:疾病与社会
  • PM 412U: Survey Research (Prerequisite: PM 415)
  • PM 414U: History of 流行病学 (Prerequisite: PHLT 103)
  • PM 418U or PM 418W: Cardiovascular 流行病学 (Prerequisite: PHLT 103)
  • PM 424U or PM 424W: Chronic Disease 流行病学 (Prerequisite: PHLT 103)
  •  PM 451U或PM 451W:传染病流行病学(先决条件:PHLT 103或PM 415 & BST 463, or PM 401, or STAT 216 or equivalent)
  • PM 489U或PM 489W:伤害流行病学和急救护理方法(先决条件:PHLT 103)
  • PHLT 394E: Emergency Medicine Internship


学生将被要求注册本专业的两门高级写作课程, one of which is CTSC 299W: Research Seminar in Translational 科学.

指定为(W)的课程具有满足网赌论坛有哪些课程高级写作要求的写作要求. Students would register for the “W” section. Registration in any “W” BIO course requires permission of the instructor. 对于每个PM (W)课程,报名参加写作部分的学生最多为5人.


CTS专业的学生可以在CTS专业和其他专业之间最多选修三门课程. 入门STAT课程(统计212或STAT 180)不包括在课程重叠.




多学科网赌论坛有哪些中心将邀请学生申请荣誉课程. 邀请是基于3的.核心要求平均绩点7分(所有核心课程需要在大四秋季结束前完成),并在完成专业要求的过程中取得进展.

收到邀请的学生需要向多学科网赌论坛有哪些中心正式申请参加荣誉课程. To graduate with honors in clinical and translation sciences, students must:

  • 完成专业
  • Complete at least one advanced course designated with (H)
  • 在专业要求的学分(大四秋季或春季学期CTS 393H)之外完成四个学分的独立学习
  • Have a cumulative grade-point average of at least a 3.主修专业
  • 在指导老师的指导下完成一篇杰出的网赌论坛有哪些论文

*The thesis must be of at least A- quality. 学生的论文不符合这个最低标准将不会获得荣誉.


This major will offer a distinction program in which the terms “distinction”, “高区别”, and “highest distinction” will reflect the quality of performance. 平均绩点不低于3分.40 will qualify for “distinction”; a GPA of at least 3.60 will qualify for “高区别”; and a GPA of at least 3.80 will qualify for “highest distinction”.